Author Services

English Language Editing

We can improve the language of your research papers. We also edit documents from all disciplines – from engineering to humanities and social sciences.

Academic Translation

Get academic documents translated into English from Bahasa Indonesia. 

Kindly submit your documents for English Editing or Academic Translation to our email address: 

[email protected]

We look forward to assisting you with precision and expertise.

They said ...

Our article entitled “Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) Integrated Case Method-Flipped Classroom: Innovative Instructional Model to Improve Problem-Solving Skill and Learning Outcome of TVET Students” was proofread by RLS Author Service. Previously, it was commented by journal editors and reviewers due to its wordy sentences and grammatical errors. After going through the proofreading process here, it has been accepted and published by Journal of Technical Education and Training (indexed by Scopus, Scimago Q3 and ESCI).